A Personal-Style Page (soon-to-be) Dedicated to My Many Loves and Interests

The Semi-Peculiar Page of Helix Double-Dragon

Hello, Hi!
-- Welcome to Helix' Personal Webpage!

>> Hey there, welcome in! It's absolutely lovely to meet you, my friend!

Thank you so much for taking a moment to drop by my humble little webpage for a look around. I always love company!
Unfortunately though, I haven't got a whole lot to show off or entice you with just yet... This place is still very much "in-the-works" and "under-construction" until I can properly devote myself to learning some REAL HTML.

( Please forgive any sudden, disorienting and/or nausea-inducing changes you might experience whilst perusing -- for the time being, I will be doing my practising directly on-site, since it's simpler for me. )

So, in the meantime... why not look at this nice picture of my beautiful girl, Shayla?:

Fig.1 Close-up photograph of a female betta fish, ("Shayla"), swimming to the right over a rocky substrate. Shayla is an "alien"-type betta; "aliens" are closer to wild-type than most breeds and can be more docile but also rather flighty. Shayla is covered tip to tail in blue-green, metallic scales that are mesmerisingly outlined by a deep black "undercoat" that runs between the scales. She has a sister you know.

Betta Fish Breeds...? Can Bettas Have Breeds?

Yes, breeds of betta fish.

What kinds breeds of betta fish?

Yes, for example: Alien; Red Dragon; Red Tiger; Red Samurai; Blue Sky; Galaxy Koi; Copper Avatar; Platinum White; and so many more...

Oohh what's this...?
